In summer of 2023, I got an opportunity to participate in an Advanced Medical and Public Health Internship at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Here, I got to develop a public health campaign for communities in Sub-Saharan Africa for implementation in 2023.
I learned about four of the most pertinent diseases in the developing world from medical professionals including Dr. Aisha Garba-Aliyu, medical doctor and public health expert in Nigeria.
With their guidance, I gained a better understanding of the signs and symptoms correlated with different stages and severities of malaria, typhoid fever, acute respiratory infections (ARIs), and nutritional anemia. I also developed cultural competencies and a global perspective to assess the structural and social determinants of health that underlie these diseases.
I collaborated directly with public health experts to develop an impactful educational public health campaign. The campaign was specifically tailored to address the needs of underserved communities in Bauchi, aiming to raise awareness about ARI and promote positive behavioral changes. Throughout the internship, I immersed myself in rigorous research and analysis to ensure the campaign’s effectiveness and relevance to the local population.
The process of creating the public health campaign was both challenging and rewarding. I conducted in-depth research on prevalent health concerns in the targeted communities, identifying key areas where intervention and awareness were essential for improving public health outcomes. Collaborating with mentors and fellow interns, I formulated innovative strategies to engage the community, ensuring the campaign’s messages would resonate with the intended audience.
Public Health Campaign Presentation
Our ultimate goal was to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being, fostering lasting improvements in community health.
We had the opportunity to showcase the culmination of our work and research. Presenting our research proposal about ARI’s Transmission to a panel of esteemed judges allowed us to demonstrate the depth of my understanding and commitment to the cause.
This experience not only bolstered my presentation and communication skills but also reaffirmed my passion for public health and the potential positive impact such initiatives can have on communities around the world.
My Experience
Phlebotomy, Laparoscopy, and Intubation
I had the wonderful opportunity to experience certain techniques that doctors use and try them first hand.
I learned how to draw blood using a phlebotomy arm simulator. Using this simulator allowed me to practice placing a needle in a vein to draw blood with realistic tissue-like material that imitates vein-wall resistance.
I learned about laparoscopy, which is a minimally invasive operation that allows physicians to observe and assess the abdomen or pelvis using small incisions and cameras. It is an invaluable tool for developing diagnoses and interventions.
I also worked with EMT instructors to learn how to perform multiple times of emergency resuscitation techniques including a manual esophageal intubation and a manual resuscitation airway mask.